Announcement Regarding Restricted Stock

Apr. 30, 2021

Komatsu Ltd. (hereinafter “Company”) hereby announces with respect to restricted stock as performance-based remuneration, as follows:

The Company plans to issue or dispose of up to 280,000 shares of its common stock, as restricted stock for performance-based remuneration, and to allocate them to the Directors of the Company (excluding the Outside Directors) and its employees and the Representative Directors of the Company’s major subsidiaries (including some of the Directors thereof) and their employees, subsequent to a resolution to be made at a meeting of the Board of Directors to be held in July.

(For reference)
At the 149th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held in June 2018, it was resolved that the following amount of monetary compensation receivables and shares of restricted stock will be granted to the Directors of the Company (excluding the Outside Directors) as the stock-based remuneration for each fiscal year.

No : 0011(3027)
Corporate Communications Department
Sustainability Promotion Division
Komatsu Ltd.
tel: +81-(0)3-5561-2616

*The information described is at the time of presentation and may be subject to advance notice.